Refurbished Sign Concept

Comments please, by June 1st to: [email protected]
The Forest sign has been in need of a make-over for some time, and the HOA Board of Directors is ready to take action. After reviewing several options, members of the Board are leaning towards a proposal by Rodney's Sign Company that incorporates synthetic stucco.
The cost would be approximately $2500 (including minor straightening) and funding would come from our HOA reserves. Though that cost is about twice the estimate of a traditional in-shop auto paint finish, the Board expects to see long-term savings. The artificial stucco can easily be repainted or touched up by an HOA member with ordinary acrylic/latex paint; no more sending the sign off to a shop to be stripped and repainted for $1200 a pop. Besides seeing a potential for cost savings and easier maintenance, Board members actually prefer the less industrial look. So...
We want to hear from you!

What is your opinion on the stucco look? ...the color scheme?
Any suggestions or comments, even if just one word ("Terrific" or "Fine") would be greatly appreciated! The Board would like to hear from as many homeowners as possible. Please respond by June 1st. Comments will be posted on our HOA website, WWW.THEFOREST.ORG.
Thank you!
Your HOA Board members: David M., Cliff, Bob, Kristy, Dave B., Kristen, Peggy and Terri.
p.s. If you were hoping for a nice stone sign like the ones put in along Cary Parkway, well, the Board was too! However, per code, the Town will not permit a stone monument sign in our narrow median (and a faux stone sign runs close to $9000!)
p.p.s. Not using email? Just drop a note to Dave Berger (211 Pocono) or to any other Board member.. Your opinions matter!
For more ideas about color options:
Any suggestions or comments, even if just one word ("Terrific" or "Fine") would be greatly appreciated! The Board would like to hear from as many homeowners as possible. Please respond by June 1st. Comments will be posted on our HOA website, WWW.THEFOREST.ORG.
Thank you!
Your HOA Board members: David M., Cliff, Bob, Kristy, Dave B., Kristen, Peggy and Terri.
p.s. If you were hoping for a nice stone sign like the ones put in along Cary Parkway, well, the Board was too! However, per code, the Town will not permit a stone monument sign in our narrow median (and a faux stone sign runs close to $9000!)
p.p.s. Not using email? Just drop a note to Dave Berger (211 Pocono) or to any other Board member.. Your opinions matter!
For more ideas about color options:
Opinions & Comments About Sign Proposal:
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